"Where modern microbiology substantiates ancient wisdom."


Functional Nutrition & Lifestyle Practitioner | Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor | Arizona - based.

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Our Specialized Services

SMEs, Corporate, Community Group Education

It’s understandable that the trend in group education has been toward Zoom, MS Teams, YouTube, etc. While those modalities certainly have their place, Everything Matters offers a chance for employers and community leaders to provide employees or members with an in-person group setting for functional nutrition guidance, away from the computer screen. According to an Arizona Daily Star report based on national statistics, with the average person now routinely running multiple devices concurrently, individuals are spending 90 (ninety) screen minutes per hour, and globally, are spending 1.4 billion hours DAILY on YouTube. Without contributing to these numbers, leaders can offer beneficial instruction, and genuinely demonstrate support for employees’/members’ health and well-being, as increased screen time has been shown to correlate to myriad health implications. Saving screen hours for critical work or personal functions and providing healing in-person opportunities could increase general productivity

while encouraging morale-boosting human interaction.

Additionally, group wellness programs can “provide a sense of community, peer support, social accountability, making them the perfect alternative – or complement – to individual coaching or other well-being programs”, according to Connecticut-based WellSpark Health. Improved job satisfaction and decreased stress levels and sick days are also metrics of value in the workplace.

Everything Matters works with any size business, community, or network’s existing employee/member training program, and helps to develop a series of sessions for sustainable health transformation. Contact Everything Matters for a free consultation.

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Individual, Couples, and Family Counseling

One of the best things we can do for those who love us is to be healthy.


  • You’ve sought medical attention; you’re not feeling better – you know something is just not right…
  • You have been diagnosed and want support to help you work through the “now what?” phase of your recovery and well-being management.
  • Sometimes surgery is absolutely necessary - even lifesaving. Everything Matters offers pre-and post-surgery support. You’d like guidance to make nutrition and lifestyle choices to help you prepare for and recover from surgery in the most healthful way possible. Everything Matters can work in therapeutic partnerships with your doctors and medical teams.


  • You’re a couple or team that wants to work together and support one another in an effort to have more energy and live your best lives possible. Everything Matters has found that when couples/teams/partners have the mutual goal of improving their health and well-being, their success is more sustainable as they share the information, can reinforce what they’ve learned together, and are one another’s ready support while taking positive steps toward their best well-being.


  • You have a family that you’d love some guidance with – why are we tired? Why can’t we shake the weight? How can we realistically manage the stress, fatigue, and nutrition struggles of our everyday life? For large families or small, no matter the age range, Everything Matters provides kind, empathetic, and thorough counseling and support for families who are ready to make nutrition and lifestyle changes for the better.

Everything Matters can help make sense of the conflicting and confusing nutrition information that’s being circulated today.

“Acute care? Call your doctor. Chronic care? Lean on functional nutrition.”

Susan French, MBA, FNLP,CFNC.

Reach Out Now



Cost of Employee Healthcare Premiums


“According to HR consultancy Willis Towers Watson’s Best Practices in Health Care Survey, as reported by SHRM, the average annual premium cost for an employee in 2021 for employer-sponsored health coverage was $3,331, up from $3,269 in 2020. Another survey from Mercer projected premiums will increase by 4.4% in 2022. However, the data indicates many employers aren’t raising their employees’ share of the cost; it’s expected workers will continue to contribute 22% of their health plan premium’s cost, unchanged from 2021.”

- Max Freedman https://www.business.com/articles/health-insurance-costs-this-year/

Attract and Keep Good Employees

“Employees are attracted to companies that provide health insurance benefits, but they may be turned off if the financial burden on the worker is too high."

“Employer health benefits are such a crucial part of attracting and retaining talent,” said Michael Stahl, former executive vice president and chief marketing officer at HealthMarkets. “It is essential to get it right.”

- Max Freedman https://www.business.com/articles/health-insurance-costs-this-year/

Workplace Health Programs

“…some employers are looking to decrease their employees’ healthcare expenses by covering treatments or expanding what they offer. These services could be considered fringe benefits:

  • Telehealth behavioral mental health services
  • Specialty drug access
  • Concierge services
  • Health and wellness promotions within the workplace
  • Access to centers of excellence
  • Working spouses surcharges” 

- Max Freedman https://www.business.com/articles/health-insurance-costs-this-year/

Health and Distraction

 According to a recent study by Udemy, 69 percent of full-time employees reported being distracted at work. This is for a variety of reasons, but things like social media, noisy offices, unnecessary meetings, and chatty coworkers are some of the main culprits. 

Distracted employees can significantly impact a corporation’s bottom line. One study by Basex estimates that interruptions at work cost the American economy $588 billion per year.

One “unconventional tip is to take care of your body. Getting enough sleep and exercise can help you from feeling fatigued or drained at the office. You will be better able to maintain your attention throughout the day and not fall into the dreaded afternoon slump.”

[help employees recognize the issue and solutions]


While working from home has many benefits, Everything Matters offers the following reference article for companies trying to bring employees back into the workplace, understanding that just as working from home was initially challenging, returning to the workplace presents new challenges. As employers show support to employees during this transition, Everything Matters is here to support the employer where practical – helping employers demonstrate that they are empathetic and care about their employees’ well-being, by providing at-the-workplace nutrition and lifestyle guidance.

Negative impact of working from home

Nearly 1,000 respondents participated in the survey regarding the impact of working from home on physical and mental well-being. Authored by Ph.D student Yijing Xiao, Burcin Becerik-Gerber, Dean's Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gale Lucas, a research Assistant Professor at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies and Shawn Roll, Associate Professor of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, the study was published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 

Some relative findings:

  • Over 64 percent of respondents claimed to have one or more new physical health issues
  • Nearly 75 percent of those surveyed experienced one new mental health issue
  • Workers decreased overall physical activity and physical exercise, combined with increased overall food intake
  • Decreased physical and mental well-being was correlated with increased food or junk food intake

- Gerber, study's corresponding author. Reviewed by Emily Henderson B.Sc. Dec 3, 2020

https://www.news-medical.net/news/20201203/Working-from-home-has-negatively-impacted-physical-health-and-mental-health-study-finds.aspx Burcin Becerik-

 “This study is a first-of-its-kind to demonstrate that functional medicine-based care can be efficiently delivered in a shared medical appointment setting and contribute to improved patient outcomes even beyond those achieved in an individual appointment setting. This innovative and transformative model redesigns the way we think about conventional healthcare delivery, and leverages a community setting to empower patients as they make needed nutrition and lifestyle changes to improve their quality of life,” said Michelle Beidelschies, Ph.D., director of Research and Education for the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and the lead author of the study.   

Provide and environment employees will want to work in...

10 Benefits of Wellness Programs in the Workplace

  • Improves employee health
  • Increases productivity
  • Improves employee engagement
  • Improves morale
  • Reduces stress levels
  • Improves attendance
  • Reduces healthcare costs
  • Inspires teamwork
  • Attracts new talent

More Benefits of Group Wellness Programs


  • Higher employee retention and 
  • Higher employee satisfaction 
  • Less absenteeism
  • Better employee performance


  • Less likely to get sick
  • Less stressed
  • Better work performance
  • Improved job satisfaction
  • Better productivity
  • Inspires teamwork 

Additional Benefits of Employer-backed Wellness Programs

  • Employees want wellness programs
  • Well-being increases adaptability
  • Specialized wellness programs provide a solid return on investment
  • Wellness programs could elevate company culture
  • Wellness programs could boost market valuation
  • Programs with a focus on well-being could decrease depression
  • Employee wellness programs bring employees together and build camaraderie 

258.3 Million Adults in the United States.

www.2022 census.gov

108 Million Adults living with Obesity in the United States


The CDC estimates that six in ten adults in the US currently live with a chronic disease – 2/4/22


Eating healthy helps prevent, delay, and manage heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic diseases.


Among the leading physical and mental health conditions in terms of direct medical costs and lost productivity to US employers are several chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease), depression, and musculoskeletal disorders (e.g., back pain).


The workplace provides many opportunities for promoting health and emotional well-being and preventing disease and injury. Workplace health programs can:

  • Influence social norms.
  • Establish health-promoting policies.
  • Increase healthy behaviors such as dietary and physical activity changes.
  • Improve employees’ health knowledge and skills.
  • Help employees get necessary health screenings, immunizations, and follow-up care.
  • Reduce employees’ on-the-job exposure to substances and hazards that can cause diseases and injury.

Providing Education, Guidance, and Counseling

The information provided by Everything Matters, LLC, is for educational and guidance purposes only. Everything Matters, its practitioners, and associates do not diagnosis, treat, prescribe, or presume to “cure.” For medical assistance, or before starting an exercise program, please consult your doctor. Do not consume any food or beverage displayed or discussed herein if you have a known or suspected sensitivity or allergy.

We believe in empowering clients with knowledge so that they can take charge of their own health and well-being.

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Meet your Practitioner

Susan E French, MBA, FNLP, CFNC

A military-trained and certified instructor, Susan French (then SSG Susan Montgomery) taught helicopter power turbine engine theory and repair to maintenance officers, foreign dignitaries, and repair technicians before transitioning to civilian teaching.  This line of instruction, in addition to the civilian helicopter and fixed-wing engine repair and testing, included math and science, dinosaurs and volcanos, and leaning on her lifelong artist abilities, every level and medium of classic art instruction imaginable. As a result of her artwork’s 19-year gallery presence at Canyon Ranch Health and Fitness Resort in Tucson, Susan has hundreds of collectors of her drawings and paintings in 38 states and 7 countries.   

A second-generation entrepreneur, Susan used her art and business education to start a graphic design company in 1997, which evolved into a full-service marketing agency.  Concurrently, Susan consulted businesses in various aspects of commercial real estate management, restaurant management, and general problem-solving and employee morale building.    

Susan has led teams in three distinct organizations to achieve non-profit designations, has presided over numerous boards of directors, co-founded and curated a museum, planned and hosted countless public events, and founded and directs a popular monthly fundraising concert series that benefits local homeless shelters.   

From the sustainable improvement of an environment to sustainable improvement for individual health: The life and death of Susan’s son Nicholas inspired her to shift gears and become further educated and certified to help people with physical and mental well-being challenges to make changes in their diet and lifestyle and take control of their own health care to be the healthiest version of themselves possible.

After working exclusively with individuals and couples, Susan noted that most of the healing came from the initial “Tier One” information that she provided – basic details about a person’s physiology and function, nutrition, and the effects of external influences. Once understood, her clients find that making healthier lifestyle choices makes sense – and championing their own best well-being can become second nature.  Simple modifications led to lower blood sugar levels, improved liver function, better sleep, desired weight loss, and reduced anxiety, depression, brain fog, and fatigue – along with many other health benefits. 

Susan wanted to reach more people and empower them with this basic – life-improving – information.  Understanding that employers would benefit from a healthier workforce, and the workforce would benefit from a healthier life and that groups in general benefit from the build-in support, Susan worked to create adaptable, easy-to-understand, information-packed group programs.  

Her grasp of business, knowledge of functional nutrition, desire to empower people via education, and her comfort in providing helpful instruction combine to make Susan a rare, relatable, and empathetic leader and educator.

Susan E. French, MBA, FNLP, CFNC

Everything Matters, LLC, Founder and Practitioner

Nick ready to take Roxanne for a trot. You can see by her smile that she loved her time with him! October 2019

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Functional Nutrition?

    Genetic factors are NOT the major cause of chronic diseases*, it’s environmental surroundings and lifestyle choices that may trigger specific genes to express and cause distress and dis-ease within our systems. These factors are considered our ‘epigenetics’ and can be assessed in a thorough, holistic review of all considerations in one’s life. It’s not only how we choose to live our lives and what we choose to eat, but what our body can do with what we eat. Additionally, functional nutrition addresses what we can do about influences in our lives that are not within our control, such as structural challenges in our body, some environmental considerations, our past - including traumas, and how we can minimize the opportunity for the expression of genetic potentialities.


    Functional Nutrition is based on these realities: “Everything is connected. We are all unique. All things matter.” - Andrea Nakayama. Hence this company’s name, Everything Matters.

  • What services do you provide?

    No matter your age, dietary needs, or fitness level, Everything Matters can create completely customized plans that promote health and well-being. To get started with a consultation or to learn more, feel free to reach out to us.

    Our professional nutrition specialists help clients create healthy eating and lifestyle habits and improve their overall health. 

    Our most popular services include providing personalized and group information about functional nutrition, educating about the role genetics and epigenetics play in our health and well-being, offering lifestyle guidance to promote healthy eating and lifestyle habits, evaluating the nutritional content of foods and supplements, assessing current practices, and making recommendations for improvement. 

    To ask any questions or to learn about what we can specifically do for you, your family, or your business or community group, please reach out to Everything Matters today!

  • How can I contact you?

    There are a few ways to get in touch with the team at Everything Matters. For direct attention to your inquiry, give us a call at 520-907-7325

    You can also send us an email at everythingmatter.care@gmail.com or you may reach out to us using the simple contact forms found on this website.

    Whichever way you choose, we appreciate your interest in working with Everything Matters to begin the journey toward a healthier and happier you and/or crew!

Everything Matters does not sell diet plans or supplements.

Our product is information that can help empower you to regain control of your own health.

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